Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Strategy Development and Initiatives Essay -- Business and Management

Strategy Development and Initiatives1) The history, development, and growth of the keep guild e verywhere time================================================================In 1987, Andrew Young and Dick England established Kleenmaid a snow %private owned Australian company. The companies main business is toimport, manufacture and dissemination of high-quality white goodsappliances like cook tops, ovens, dishwashers, refrigerators andwashing machines. In 1995, Kleenmaid shifted from a in large quantities businessto direct retailing, to provide customers a store with fully running(a) appliances where possible purchasers could use the washingmachines or cook everything possible with the care of appliancesprovided by the store.. Its head office in Maroochydore, Queensland,Australia manages its major functions such as sales, marketing,service, financial, administrative and information technology (Hill etal. 2004).The company has been rated as one of the hurrying growing privatec ompanies in Australia and regularly appears in the Business reexaminationWeekly top five hundred companies. By 2001, the company has been ratedas one of the fastest growing private companies in Australia (Hill etal. 2004).As dissolve of its growing strategy, Kleenmaid bought the brand name andselected manufacturing equipment of liquidated company St GeorgeAppliances in 1999. St George, an Australian company for than fiftyyears, used to export its products all over the world. The company wasrenamed Kleenmaid St George chase the purchase. It provides acomprehensive service, including delivery, inductance and fullafter-sales service at a competitive price for builders anddevelopers. The company uses subcontractors wearing Kleenmaid StGeorge attire for all installation and servicing requirements (Hillet al. 2004).More than one million Australians use Kleenmaid St George appliancesdaily. As the unaccompanied Australian direct retailer of kitchen and laundryappliances, the company sa ys that it is committed to rescue theworlds best to its customers. The companys appliances declare areputation for unique design, outstanding performance quality andreliability. Originally, products were sold through and through conventionalretailers but, to uphold Kleenmaid St Georges commitment to providingunique products and exceptional service, the company started selling... ...veloping implementation planit can be concluded that very little changes is required for thecompany. Also answers to questions and issues raised in the case havebeen included.References==========1) Hannagan, T.J. 2002, Mastering strategical Management, Basingstoke, Palgrave.2) Hill, C.W.L, Jones G.R. & Galvin, P. 2004, Strategic Management An Integrated Approach, Milton, Qld. John Wiley and Sons Australia.3) Hussey, D.E. 1994, Strategic management theory and practice, Oxford, Uk.4) Johnson G. & Scholes K. 2002, Exploring Corporate Strategy Text and Cases, 6th Ed, London, apprentice Hall5) Mi ntzberg H. & Quinn J.B. 1992, The Strategic Process Concepts and Contexts, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall6) Pearce A. J. & Robinson R. B. 1994, Strategic Management, Formulation, Implementation, and Control, fifth Ed, Boston, Irwin.7) Richardson B & Richardson R 1989, Business Planning An Approach to Strategic Management, London, collier8) Rosen R 1995, Strategic Management An Introduction, London, Pitman.9) Thompson, A. & Strickland, A. J. 2003, Strategic Management Concepts and Case, 13th Ed. NY, McGraw Hill.

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